# Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 560 Minimum Interval Removal Problem - Leetcode Medium % 0 557 How to Build a Snake Game in Python Using Pygame Medium % 1 556 Patience Sorting - Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium % 1 551 Reverse a linked list using stack Medium % 0 550 Debugging Techniques- How to Efficiently Find and Fix Software Bugs Medium % 1 549 Dynamic Programming - Minimum Cost for Climbing Stairs Medium % 0 547 Maximum Contiguous ones after one deletion Medium % 2 546 Converting to Non-Decreasing Array with One Change Medium % 0 545 Maximizing Contiguous Ones with a Single Flip in a Binary Array Medium % 3 544 Counting the Largest Number Groups by Digit Sum Medium % 2 543 Adding One to a Number Represented by an Array Medium % 1 538 Find The Minimum time difference Medium % 1 532 Maximum Depth of Valid Nested Parentheses in an arithmetic expression Medium % 0 528 Minimum Increments to make all array elements unique Medium % 0 524 Maximum CPU Load Problem in a jobs list Medium % 1 521 Maximum overlaps in a given list of time intervals Medium % 0 517 Count number of pairs in an array with sum = K Medium % 0 515 Maximum distance from the nearest person Medium % 1 510 Design a data structure for Candidate Voting Problem Medium % 0 509 Find the Number of Contiguous Parking Areas Medium % 1 508 Get specific row K in a Pascal Triangle Medium % 0 507 Design data structure for players and ranks Medium % 0 499 Compare two version numbers of a software Medium % 1 495 Print all nested directories and files in a given directory - Recursion Medium % 0 493 Maximum meetings in one room Medium % 0 488 Check if given sudoku is valid or not Medium % 0 486 Sort the indexes of the array as per the elements of the array Medium % 0 484 Print all subarrays using recursion Medium % 1 481 Calculate (x^y)%z without using pow() function Medium % 0 477 Job Sequencing algorithm Medium % 1 476 Find subarray with a sum to given number-2 | Handle negative numbers Medium % 0 475 Sort the two dimensional (2D) array - In-place Medium % 0 474 Implement/Design the version control map system Medium % 0 472 Sort Map as per values - Java Program Medium % 0 470 Find if any two intervals overlap in given intervals Medium % 0 Minimum Interval Removal Problem - Leetcode How to Build a Snake Game in Python Using Pygame Patience Sorting - Longest Increasing Subsequence Reverse a linked list using stack Debugging Techniques- How to Efficiently Find and Fix Software Bugs Dynamic Programming - Minimum Cost for Climbing Stairs Maximum Contiguous ones after one deletion Converting to Non-Decreasing Array with One Change Maximizing Contiguous Ones with a Single Flip in a Binary Array Counting the Largest Number Groups by Digit Sum Adding One to a Number Represented by an Array Find The Minimum time difference Maximum Depth of Valid Nested Parentheses in an arithmetic expression Minimum Increments to make all array elements unique Maximum CPU Load Problem in a jobs list Maximum overlaps in a given list of time intervals Count number of pairs in an array with sum = K Maximum distance from the nearest person Design a data structure for Candidate Voting Problem Find the Number of Contiguous Parking Areas Get specific row K in a Pascal Triangle Design data structure for players and ranks Compare two version numbers of a software Print all nested directories and files in a given directory - Recursion Maximum meetings in one room Check if given sudoku is valid or not Sort the indexes of the array as per the elements of the array Print all subarrays using recursion Calculate (x^y)%z without using pow() function Job Sequencing algorithm Find subarray with a sum to given number-2 | Handle negative numbers Sort the two dimensional (2D) array - In-place Implement/Design the version control map system Sort Map as per values - Java Program Find if any two intervals overlap in given intervals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7