# Status Problem video Level Completes Likes

Get the Height of a Node in a Binary Tree

Medium % 0

Reverse the binary representation of a number.

Medium % 1

Check if one string is Rotation of another string

Beginner % 1

Valid or Well Formed Parentheses | Part - 1

Medium % 0

Efficient Search in 2D Sorted Array: Find an Element

Medium % 0

Determine If a String is Palindrome

Beginner % 0

Find two Missing Numbers in a Sequence of Consecutive Numbers

Beginner % 0

Find a Missing Number From a Sequence of Consecutive Numbers

Beginner % 0

Get the Height of a Node in a Binary Tree

Reverse the binary representation of a number.

Check if one string is Rotation of another string

Valid or Well Formed Parentheses | Part - 1

Efficient Search in 2D Sorted Array: Find an Element

Determine If a String is Palindrome

Find two Missing Numbers in a Sequence of Consecutive Numbers

Find a Missing Number From a Sequence of Consecutive Numbers