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FileSystemObject : GetDriveName Method


Returns drive name, corresponding to the file name.

Format : 

objectOfFileSystemObject. GetDriveName(filepath)

  • objectOfFileSystemObject : As the names says, it’s a FileSystemObject.
  • filepath
    • Mandatory
    • Type:     String
    • filepath , whose parent drive to be return.

Function FnGetDriveName (strFilePath)
      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      strDriveName = fso. GetAName (strFilePath)     
      FnGetDriveName = strDriveName

End Function

Msgbox FnGetDriveName ("c:\NewFolder\file.txt")

Output : C

Also Read:

  1. FileSystemObject:OpenTextFile Method
  2. FileSystemObject : GetFile Method
  3. FileSystemObject : MoveFolder Method
  4. FileSystemObject : CreateTextFile Method
  5. FileSystemObject : GetFolder Method