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VBA-Excel: Arrays – Two Dimensional, Static Array
Two dimensional array works like Mxn matrix.

For creating two dimensional static array, follow the below steps
- Declare an two dimensional Array
- Store values in array
- Retrieve values from array.
Declare an two dimensional Array
Dim arrTwoD(1 To 3, 1 To 3)
Store values in array
arrTwoD(2, 3) = 6
Retrieve values from array.
Msgbox arrTwoD(2, 3)
Complete Code:
Function FnTwoDimensionalArray() Dim arrTwoD(1 To 3, 1 To 3) intCounter = 1 For i = 1 To 3 For j = 1 To 3 arrTwoD(i, j) = intCounter intCounter = intCounter + 1 Next Next MsgBox "The Value in 2nd Row and 3rd Column is " & arrTwoD(2, 3) End Function

Also Read:
- VBA-Excel: Date-Time Functions – Day()
- VBA Excel - Cells, Ranges and Offset: Refer Range by using A1 Notations
- VBA-Excel: Cells Ranges Offset - Active Cell
- VBA-Excel: Date-Time Functions – Date(), Now() and Time()
- VBA-Excel: Date-Time Functions – DateValue()